Thursday, July 28, 2016

How to Choose Between Cream and Powder Contour Products

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Image via Imaxtree
Celebrity makeup artists have truly helped turn contouring into a phenomenon that women around the globe are now taking part in. With just a few steps, you can actually transform your face and give yourself more definition or minimize more prominent features. Contouring also highlights the most flattering areas of your face for a flawless “red carpet” look—it’s like some form of makeup magic.
While the art of contouring may seem extremely tricky for a non-professional to master, it’s truly much easier than you think. Instead, the main issue is finding exactly the right products for your skin tone and texture to help create the perfect contour.
Some women like to put a base foundation on first before contouring. This is fine, especially if you want to keep things more natural and do a light-handed contour on top of your everyday foundation. However, you can just apply a concealer and darker shade for contour on your face and blend them together in place of foundation for a more dramatic look (for a full step-by-step on how to contour, check out our how-to guide).
In terms of which products to use, consider your skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, a cream-based contour routine is probably not the best option for you. Instead, try using powders to “carve” out your face and give it definition.
On the other hand, if you have dry skin, powder may accentuate this. Fine lines are also accentuated by powders, so in these instances, use lightweight, dewy cream-based products to hydrate and contour simultaneously.
The best part about contouring is you can mix and match your products. Not everything used needs to be just powder or just creams—powder can absolutely be placed on top of your liquid foundation and blended in for a seamless contour.

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