Friday, October 7, 2016 Coupon Code: Best Vitamins for Safe, Healthy Weight Control

For anyone trying to control their weight, sticking to a long-term lifestyle change can be hard at times. We may all wish for a “magic pill” that will solve our problems without the diet, exercise, and vegetables. I hate to report there is no such pill out there yet (or else Oprah would have it).
The good news is that there are some vitamins at Promo Code and nutrients that can help ensure you are on the path to weight control success, and may play important role in helping you achieve an ideal weight.
Vitamin B12 for Weight Control Coupon Code: Best Vitamins for Safe, Healthy Weight Control
Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that plays several roles in the body including the creation of red blood cells and how well your body uses calories.* It is usually found bound to protein in animal foods such as fish, chicken, and beef. Severe vitamin B12 deficiency, leading to anemia, is generally only found in people who are vegetarian or vegan, and those who have had some type of stomach surgery (such as weight loss surgery).
Some weight loss clinics give patients B12 shots claiming that the vitamin itself causes weight loss. Although this practice is not completely misguided and probably harmless, vitamin B12 via shots or pills will NOT cause weight loss. But vitamin B12 does play a role in how your body uses calories.  Vitamin B12 may support energy production by helping the body convert food into energy.* More energy will hopefully result in more exercise and greater motivation which will lead to safe and healthy weight control.
Fish Oil for Weight Control Coupon Code: Best Vitamins for Safe, Healthy Weight Control
Fish Oil (also called omega 3s) has gotten a lot of press lately because of its manybenefits.  Omega 3 fish oil may contribute to healthy weight management, by helping to promote the metabolism of dietary fat and cholesterol, while also aiding the immune system and protecting nerve and brain cells from oxidative stress and damage.*   Fish oil may also assist in joint mobility and flexibility, enhancing exercise performance, endurance and recovery, which may ultimately help us to reach our weight management goals.*
Fiber for Weight Control Coupon Code: Best Vitamins for Safe, Healthy Weight Control
While technically not a vitamin, Dietary Fiber may benefit both weight management.  Fiber achieves this in a few different ways:
It fills you up and reduces your appetite, leading to fewer calories consumed.  A 2001 study performed at Tufts University found that by increasing fiber consumption by 14 grams per day, subjects consumed on average 10% fewer calories, and lost more than 4 pounds over a 4 month period – just by increasing their fiber intake.  Subjects who were classified as obese ate as much as 18% fewer calories, and lost nearly 5 1/2 pounds over the same period.   The researchers ultimately concluded that subjects following high-fiber, low fat diet lost three times as much weight as subjects who consumed a low-fat diet only.
Fiber also helps with weight control by stimulating friendly, healthy, beneficial bacteria in your gut.
Sadly, Americans don’t consume nearly as much Fiber as experts suggest we should take.  While the Institute of Medicine recommends adult women and men get 25 grams and 38 grams of fiber per day, respectivelythe average person consumes around 13 grams of fiber per day.
It’s quite clear from these numbers that our diets alone simply aren’t doing the job.
Although there is no magic weight loss “pill”, there are some vitamins and nutrients that may influence your body’s ability to manage weight. When starting any weight program, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and take a daily multivitamin to give your body all the nutrition it needs to function properly. If you are worried about vitamin deficiencies, particularly vitamin B12 deficiency and omega 3 deficiency, ask your doctor for a blood test to identify any potential problem areas before taking high doses of supplements.

Thursday, October 6, 2016 Coupon Code: Top 10 Foods to Eat This Summer

Sometimes eating healthy can feel like an uphill battle. First, you have to find time to shop, then pick the “right” foods – which seem to change every day – and now those foods have to be in season? Really!?
Well, eating seasonally isn’t something made up to cause you more anxiety. Eating seasonally ensures that you get foods when they have the most nutrients. The flavors are richer, the colors are brighter (which means more antioxidants) and the whole eating experience is much better. Anyone who’s bitten into an off-season, mealy apple knows this to be true.
Seasonal foods are naturally going to be more abundant in grocery stores and at farmers’ markets – so you won’t have to look too hard to find them. Lucky for you, we’re going to tell you exactly what they are, why they’re good for you, and a few ways you can easily incorporate them into your routine.
Here are our top picks for the best summer foods:
Image result for CHERRIES
Although you need a pit strategy, cherries are definitely worth the extra effort. In addition to satisfying your sweet tooth, cherries act as a natural painkiller. Like traditional NSAIDs (ibuprofen, aspirin, etc.) cherry juice contains flavonoid compounds that inhibit the action of enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2) that cause pain. But unlike NSAIDs, which can damage the lining of the stomach when taken too often, the flavonoids and the high level of antioxidants in cherries actually help protect the stomach.
Cherries may also help you sleep. Tart cherries are one of the only foods that contain melatonin – the hormone that helps get us to sleep and stay asleep. One small study found drinking tart cherry juice improved sleep duration and quality in adults suffering from insomnia. Additionally, unlike most other fruits, cherries are higher in glucose than fructose. Glucose is our brain’s preferred source of fuel, so popping a few cherries before bed will also help keep our blood sugar from crashing and our brain happy all night long.
Recipe tip: blend cherries, water, a little stevia and lime juice in a blender. Pour into ice molds and freeze for an after dinner treat that will help you catch some z’s.
Image result for TOMATOES
Tomatoes are an excellent source of lycopene – the phytochemical that makes them red and has significant antioxidant properties. Unlike some other vegetables that lose their nutritional value when cooked, tomatoes get more nutritious! Research from Cornell University showed that cooking tomatoes increases their levels of phytochemicals, although it reduces their vitamin C content. But that’s okay. You’ve got all the other foods on this list to make up the difference.
Recipe tip: The research found that cooking tomatoes at about 190 degrees (medium heat) for 30 minutes produced the most increase in antioxidants. We recommend simply sautéing with olive oil and a few leaves of fresh basil, and pairing with your noodle (zucchini, rice, gluten-free, gluten-full) of choice.
Image result for SUMMER SQUASH
This one is kind of obvious. Summer is in the name. But this catchall moniker includes many varieties: Yellow, zucchini, and patty pan are all summer squashes. Unlike winter squashes (Hubbard, acorn, and butternut) summer squashes are much quicker to prepare. You can even eat them raw, skin and all. One cup has 35% of your RDV of vitamin C and 14% of your B6. Squash is also a great source of manganese, a mineral that’s needed to make collagen in our skin and protect us from ultraviolet (UV) light damage – particularly handy in the summertime. Yet another reason why it’s important to eat in season!
Recipe tip: Since heat degrades vitamin C (and eating steaming hot vegetables in the summer isn’t all that appetizing anyway) try slicing up some squash and eating with your favorite dips for a slightly healthier happy hour snack.
Image result for BLACKBERRIES
When it comes to berries, blueberries and strawberries seem to get all the love, but this summer black is the new black. In addition to having some of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits, one cup of blackberries has a huge amount of fiber – 31% of your RDV. By helping you eliminate waste, blackberries aid your body in detoxification and hormonal regulation. Blackberries also contain 50% of your RDV of vitamin C and 36% of your vitamin K, which helps blood clotting and can help regulate menstruation. More good news for the ladies: Eating blackberries may help tighten tissue, meaning younger, firmer looking skin!

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Recipe tip: swap your blueberries for blackberries in your morning smoothie or over top of Greek yogurt or overnight oats.
Image result for BEETS
Perhaps more than any other food on this list I LOVE BEETS! They’re packed with nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and one cup has 37% your RDV of folate, which our bodies need to make new cells. It’s especially important for pregnant women, as it has been shown to help prevent serious birth defects of the spinal cord and brain.* The beetroot also contains betaine, which helps protect the liver from the damaging effects of alcohol and helps our bodies flush out toxins by stimulating bile flow. On top of all that, beets can also take your workout to the next level. Researchers found beet juice allows muscles to use oxygen more efficiently, so much so, that it’s been used by several Olympic athletes as an alternative to performance-enhancing drugs!
What makes beets even better is that they’re a nutritional BOGO – the greens are just as nutrient-dense as the roots, containing protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese, in addition to significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. In fact, beet greens have even more iron than spinach! So definitely don’t toss these!
Recipe tip: Wash and dry your greens and use them in a salad along with the root. Top with a little feta cheese, a sprinkle of pine nuts, and a drizzle of EVOO and balsamic vinegar.
Image result for GREEN BEANS
As the old saying goes, “Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart,” and that they are. Green beans contain levels of carotenoids similar to those in carrots and tomatoes. These pigments are what gives the vegetables their color, and are thought to decrease risk of heart disease, certain cancers and eye disease. The reason why green beans aren’t called red or orange beans is because they also contain chlorophyll, which has been said to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties.
Green beans also contain resistant starch. This kind of starch passes through the stomach and small intestine undigested (it’s resistant) and winds up in the colon where it acts like soluble fiber, feeding our good gut bacteria. This helps with everything from regularity to weight loss to improving immunity.
Lastly, eating green beans is not only seasonal, but sustainable. More than 50% of all commercially grown green beans are “Boooooorn in the USA!” So get out your jorts, turn on some Bruce and bust out the beans.
Recipe tip: If you can’t get them fresh, go for frozen. When beans are first frozen (rather than canned) they can retain up to 90% of their B vitamins.
Image result for CUCUMBERS
When it comes to craveable foods you dream about, cucumbers might not be top of the list. But these veggies are anything but boring. Although their taste may be inconspicuous, their vitamin content is not. Cucumbers are packed with B vitamins and are 95% water, which means they’re hydrating and energizing. So instead of making a b-line for the coffee maker in the afternoon, try some cuckes.
Or, perhaps you have a little too much fun one of these summer nights? Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins, and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients, and their water content helps flush toxins, taking your hangover from a 10 to a 6.
Recipe idea: Head off the “morning after” headache sooner rather than later. Try adding some cucumbers to your cocktails with this great recipe from The Minimalist Baker.
Muddle mint, lime juice, gin and sugar (or stevia) in a shaker. Add cucumber slices and shake. Pour mixture over ice and top with tonic or sparkling water. Bottoms up!
Image result for CORN
There is quite possibly nothing better than that first bite of summer corn on the cob, fresh off the grill, slathered in butter. But corn has gotten a pretty bad rap as of late: it’s GMO; it’s hard to digest, and it has no nutritional value. But it tastes so good! Can it really be all that bad?
In terms of vitamin content, many other veggies have corn beat. Corn is mostly starch, which, in the anti-carb mania, has become a nutritional public enemy, but our bodies need starch and other sources of carbohydrate for our thyroids to function properly. If we don’t get enough carbs, our thyroids can slow down and actually cause us to gain weight! Additionally, corn is a good source of insoluble fiber. It passes through your system undigested, sweeping the sides of your colon like a broom. If you’ve got digestive issues you might want to stay away from corn and other vegetables high in insoluble fiber like raw broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, but people with healthy digestive systems do just fine with a little insoluble fiber.
As for all corn being GMO, that’s not really the case. Most sweet corn available in your grocery store’s produce section is not GMO corn. Field corn, which is harvested later and processed into oil, high-fructose corn syrup, or other products, is more likely to be GMO. But you can avoid this by buying organic or from your local farmers’ market.
Recipe tip: Grill + butter + sea salt = enjoy.
Image result for APRICOTS
These little fruits are rich in antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and are a good source of soluble fiber, yet their standout characteristic is that they’re an excellent source of potassium. This mineral is an electrolyte that helps you stay hydrated. If you suffer from headaches, it could be because you’re getting too much sodium and not enough potassium. Try popping a couple of apricots and see if it helps. Additionally, when paired with protein, they make a great post-workout snack. The potassium will help you rehydrate, while the natural sugar in the fruit helps shuttle protein to your muscles for better repair and recovery.
Recipe idea: If you’ve been having fun outside in the sun all day long, refuel with this in-season smoothie:
  • One scoop of your favorite protein powder
  • 1-2 apricots
  • 1 whole banana
  • 2 cups fresh baby spinach (or other leafy green)
  • 1/2 cup water
Image result for MELON
When you get a good piece of melon, the super sweet taste and crisp texture puts any high-fructose popsicle to shame. But more than satisfy your sweet tooth, all melons are a great source of vitamin C – which can help you fight that summer cold that always comes at the most inopportune moment. Additionally, watermelon, like tomatoes, is also a great source of lycopene.
But there’s nothing worse than cracking into a bad melon. Here’s how to make sure you’ve got a good one:
Ripe cantaloupes will smell slightly sweet. If it’s sickeningly sweet it’s probably overripe and yuck. Cantaloupes continue to ripen after being picked, so you want to buy and eat these bad boys.
As you probably know, picking a watermelon can be trickier, but when you get a good one, it’s better than birthday cake. The best sign of ripeness is a firm underside with a yellowish color. If it’s white or green, the melon isn’t ready yet. A whole watermelon will keep in the refrigerator up to a week, but a cut watermelon should be eaten ASAP.
You can tell a ripe honeydew by a yellowish-white color. Avoid those that are paper-white or greenish white; they’ll never ripen. If the skin is smooth, it’s under ripe. The skin should have a slightly sticky feel, indicating the natural sugars are seeping through. Cut it within four to five days and leave the seeds in place until you’re ready to eat it – they’ll keep the fruit moist.
Recipe tip: For a quick, refreshing drink that looks as gorgeous as it tastes, use melon in place of ice cubes. Just ball up your favorite kinds of melon, add sparkling water or soda water, a squeeze of lime juice, and a mint leaf to garnish.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Coupon Code: The Top 5 Healthy Foods to Take Camping

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This summer, SmartyPants will be hitting the great outdoors at the Outessa Summit women’s events in Kirkwood, CA and Powder Mountain, UT. In addition to the paddle boarding, rock climbing, outdoor cooking, and fireside wine-sipping, we’ll be teaching a few workshops on, what else, nutrition. After all, one of the best things about a camping trip or hiking excursion are the delicious snacks, treats, and cook-ups you get to enjoy along the trail or at the end of a nature-packed day. While there are a few campfire classics that aren’t exactly the pinnacle of “healthy” cuisine (*cough* smores, *cough* beer), we’d never say not to treat yo’ self! But there are tons of other camp-friendly options you can throw in the mix that not only taste good, but will keep you feeling good, too.

Baked Potatoes
Image result for Baked Potatoes
Potatoes sometimes get a bad rap, but we’re not entirely sure why. The inside, or “meat,” is a great source of soluble fiber, which helps feed our good gut bacteria, while the skin contains 5 grams of insoluble fiber, which helps keep things “moving along.” (You can read more about the wondrous powers of fiber here.) One whole baked potato has 7 grams of protein, 46 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6, 48 percent of vitamin C, 46 percent of potassium, 21 percent of phosphorous and magnesium, and 33 percent of manganese.
Why are these vitamins and minerals important when on the trail? B6 helps to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, and appetite – three things that definitely need some extra TLC when surviving in the wilderness. Magnesium (a nutrient that’s pretty difficult to get from most foods) can help muscles relax, improve sleep, and reduce stress – great for after a long day making those #elevationgains. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that supports your adrenal glands, which is also crucial after days of hiking and strenuous outdoor activities. But perhaps the best part about the potato is how incredibly easy they are to pack and cook. They require no refrigeration; just throw them in your bag. When you’re ready to eat, poke some holes into the skin with a fork, wrap in tin foil, and place on a hot bed of coals or on a rock next to a low fire. They’ll be ready in about half an hour. We recommend slathering with grass-fed butter and sea salt.
Trail Mix
Image result for Trail Mix
This one might come as no surprise, but have you ever thought about why this snack is so popular amongst trail trekkers? It tastes amazing, true, but, both nutritionally and logistically, trail mix is exactly what you need when heading out into the wild blue yonder. One cup of trail mix can contain anywhere from 500-700 calories. If you’re couch surfing all day, this might not be ideal, but when you’re on the trail, you need a dense source of fuel that’s not going to weigh down your pack or your body. Contained in those calories is more than 20 grams of protein, 40 grams of (healthy) fats, 60 grams of carbs, and nearly a third of your daily value for 14 different vitamins and minerals. Meanwhile, the salt from the nuts and the glucose from the dried fruits help replenish electrolytes and keep you hydrated.
To ensure you get the healthiest mix, go for kinds that include just fruit and nuts. Salted nuts are good, but make sure the fruit doesn’t come coated in extra sugar. We like mixes that include a majority of nuts such as almonds and macadamia nuts (rather than peanuts), dried bananas for potassium, and pumpkin or sunflower seeds for zinc. Bonus points for dried blueberries, which are low in sugar and high in antioxidants. TIP: If you can’t find all these goodies in one bag, make your own. Many grocery stores have bins of dried fruit and nuts you can mix and match. Whole Foods even has soaked and sprouted nut and seed options – double bonus!
Canned Fish
Image result for Canned Fish
If you’re thinking “Ew, gross,” you can skip this one, but, before you go, you might be interested to know that canned fish is one of the healthiest, most affordable, convenient, camp-friendly foods on the face of the planet. Wild-caught sardines have more calcium and phosphorous than milk, more iron than spinach, more potassium than coconut water, and as much protein as steak. Plus, they pack over 300 mg of omega 3 EPA and 650 mg of omega 3 DHA (part of the reason why we use fish oil from sardines in SmartyPants). If you’re not into sardines, (you should try them, they taste just like tuna, we swear!) try wild-caught salmon. We recommend opting for varieties that include the bones. You can’t taste them, and bones are one of the best sources of easily absorbable minerals that can be hard to get through diet otherwise. Our favorite brands are Wild Plant and Trader Joe’s BPA-free options.
Image result for Chili
Chili is the definition of maximum return, minimum investment. Everything you’d want or need to put in chili you can find in a can (or you can get it pre-made – we love Amy’s brand), it can be modified to suit almost any taste and dietary preference, and it’s incredibly nutrient dense. A simple vegetarian chili made out of beans, veggies, and tomato paste contains 10 grams of protein, a whopping 16 grams of fiber, and only 4 grams of sugar. In addition, you’re also getting a sizeable serving of lycopene – the antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color and is in our new SmartyPants Men’s Complete. Unlike many antioxidants that are destroyed by heat, lycopene content is actually enhanced by cooking (read more about the best ways to eat antioxidants here). Add in some grass-fed beef or bison meat for extra protein, vitamin A, iron, and a hefty dose of B vitamins, which will keep you energized all day.
Image result for Jerky
For camping and hiking aficionados, jerky may be old news – dried meats have been a staple of outdoorsmen and women for hundreds of years, as they’re an almost perfect balance between fat and protein, a good source of B vitamins, and zinc. The good news is, jerky is so popular now you can find it almost anywhere, from health food stores to airport gift shops. But all jerkies are not created equal. We recommend opting for brands that are 100% grass-fed – an important thing to look for when buying animal products, as grass-fed products are often more sustainable, raised in a more humane manner, and have been shown to have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega 3 fatty acids.
5-Star Campfire Recipes  
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If you want to go beyond the basics, we recommend checking out our friends over at Dirty Gourmet – a blog dedicated to teaching people how to make restaurant-quality food in the wilderness. Here are our favorite DG family camping recipes:

Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Coupon Code: 5 TIPS TO ROCK A BOLD LIP

Can you believe summer is coming to an end? I feel like it has gone by so fast but after the multiple heat waves we have had in New Jersey I have to say that I am actually quite alright with this season passing because that means we are heading into fall. I love the Fall season, the nail polish shades, the eye shades but my very favorite: BOLD LIPS.  It’s incredibly easy to update your look with a bold lip. I’m celebrating the upcoming season and trying out some on Revlon’s Fall shades and giving you some tips and tricks on how to rock the perfect bold lip this Fall. All you have to do is visit Walgreens and make sure you lip color will be on trend with Revlon Super Lustrous Liptsticks and glosses. Then sit back and relax and enjoy the tips! Coupon Code: 5 TIPS TO ROCK A BOLD LIP
Revlon’s Super Lustrous Lipstick in Spicy Cinnamon is my go to shade. It’s vampy, gorgeous, and jaw droppingly perfect for fall. It’s a gorgeous creamy shade.  This shade definitely makes me #FallForBold over and over again.
TIP 1: Start with prepped lips. Before applying a bold lipstick you’re going to want to make sure your lips are smooth. Use the head of a tooth brush and a lip scrub to exfoliate any dead skin you may have on your lips.
The trend report is in. It’s all about rich, bold shade for Fall. Deep reds, rich marsalas, dramatic bronzed nudes and dusty pinks. Let Revlon help you to make a dramatic statement. You can load up on Revlon Super Lustrous, and all of your favorite Revlon products at Walgreens. Get all of these great products at hot prices, only at Walgreens.
TIP 2: Prime your lips. For a bold lip to really take on the bright vampy look you want to moisturize your lips. Apply a lip balm first to get your lips ready for color. Coupon Code: 5 TIPS TO ROCK A BOLD LIP
TIP 3: Shiny is better. To really rock a bold lip for Fall, find something that is super shiny and will really stand out.
I’m wearing HD Smoky Quartz above from the Revlon Ultra HD Lip Laquer line and the gorgeous lacquer shine is to die for. It’s lightweight color in a completely non-sticky formula and would be an awesome addition to your Fall beauty bag. You can grab this at Walgreens too from  where all Revlon Lip, Face and Eye products will be Buy 1, Get 1 50% off! Coupon Code: 5 TIPS TO ROCK A BOLD LIP
Rosy Future is a gorgeous shade straight out of the Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Gloss line and a clear front runner for Fall. I just can’t get enough.
TIP 4: Set! Take a tissue, makeup brush, and some translucent setting powder. Apply the powder to your lips over the tissues with a fluffy makeup brush to help the color set in and last longer.  
TIP 5: Rock it! Yes, rock that bold lip. Don’t be afraid of color, try something new and #FallForBold this season! Coupon Code: 5 TIPS TO ROCK A BOLD LIP
Super Lustrous Lipstick is is Revlon’s most iconic lipstick and a proven best-seller.
Best Super Lustrous Lipsticks for Fall:
  • Deep Reds: Certainly Red, Love That Red
  • Rich Marsalas: Black Honey, Wine With Everything
  • Bronzed Nude: Spicy Cinnamon, Champagne on Ice
  • Dusty Pink: Fuchsia Fusion, Soft Silver Rose Coupon Code: 5 TIPS TO ROCK A BOLD LIP
Super Lustrous Lipgloss is a silk gloass that boosts hydration and plumps lips with moisture for a colorful, glamorous shine.
Best Super Lustrous lipglosses for Fall:
    • Deep Reds: Fatal Apple
    • Rich Marsalas: Desert Spice
    • Bronzed Nude: Rosy Future, Super Natural
    • Dusty Pink: Pink Pop