Monday, August 31, 2015 coupon code: 6 Ways to Stress Less at Work coupon code: 6 Ways to Stress Less at Work

 Today’s employees are expected to do more with less,  which has become a major source of stress at work, said Vicki Hess, RN and author of SHIFT to Professional Paradise: 5 Steps to Less Stress, More Energy & Remarkable Results at Work.
Other sources of stress on the job include worries about performing well as demands rise and time diminishes, pressure to continuously be plugged in and squabbles with co-workers or disagreements with the boss, according to Hess and Terry Beehr, Ph.D, director of the Industrial/Organizational Program at Central Michigan University.

In fact, some jobs can affect your mental health so much so that unemployed people seem to fare better. According to recent research, people in a bad job — defined as job insecurity, sky-high demands or heavy workload, little control over workload and unfair pay — had either the same or worse mental health than unemployed individuals.
But while you might feel helpless and stressed at times, there are ways you can empower yourself and change your job situation for the better. Here are six ways to stress less about work.

1.      Take care of yourself.

The problem with job stress is that it can make people sick, both psychologically and physically, according to Beehr, who studies job stress and satisfaction. So an effective way to stress less is to work on reducing this tension.
For one, you can seek professional help for your symptoms from doctors or psychologists, he said. Also, you can engage in activities that are relaxing to you, such as yoga, or anything that you really enjoy, such as meeting with friends, reading, watching TV or gardening, Beehr said. Of course, physical activities are a boon to your health — and can be protective. Being “in good physical strength” also “makes you somewhat more immune to effects of stress.” coupon code: 6 Ways to Stress Less at Work

 2.      Shift your mindset. coupon code: 6 Ways to Stress Less at Work

In her book, Hess talks about creating a Professional Paradise, which she views as a state of mind — not the perfect employer or paycheck. So it isn’t what actually happens at work but how we perceive events that matters.

In her book, Hess talks about creating a Professional Paradise, which she views as a state of mind — not the perfect employer or paycheck. So it isn’t what actually happens at work but how we perceive events that matters.
She refers to any event that elicits a negative reaction, such as sadness or frustration, as a POW, and anything positive as a WOW. She divides POWs into external — such as criticism from the boss — and internal — such as beating yourself up (and does the same with WOWs). The goal is to “try to minimize the internal POWs, manage the external POWs and increase the internal WOWs,” Hess said.
Hess has developed a 5-step approach for just that, which she calls SHIFT. Here’s the breakdown:
  • Stop and take a deep breath, an action that Hess said we just don’t do enough of. This not only helps calm you down, but prevents you from saying something you might regret.
  • “Harness your harmful knee-jerk reactions,” which is essentially your fight or flight response. When something negative happens, some people mentally withdraw from the situation, while others go on the defensive and lash out. Another negative knee-jerk reaction is worry, Hess said. For instance, say your favorite supervisor typically dresses casually but today he’s wearing a suit. Your knee-jerk reaction is to assume that he’s interviewing for another job. Because knee-jerk reactions seem automatic, it’s often hard to pinpoint them. To recognize them, Hess suggested asking others. “If I don’t realize my knee-jerk is to be more controlling when I’m stressed, that’ll be hard for me to get a handle on that,” Hess said. So she asks her family to keep her in check. Asking co-workers is another option. When Hess worked at a hospital, she regularly talked to her director, which kept her up-to-date on company information. During staff meetings, she’d unwittingly tap her pencil out of boredom. Fortunately, one of Hess’s good friends told her, and she promptly stopped. Another easy way to spot patterns is to just observe your reactions when you’re stressed.
  • “Identify and manage your negative emotions,” Hess said. Take a minute, and consider how you’re feeling. It also helps to “identify where these emotions are evidenced in your body” and figure out what helps you “in the heat of the moment,” whether that’s listening to your iPod or taking a walk.
  • Find new options. To do that, Hess suggested “the Rule of Three.” Ask yourself these three questions: What has worked in the past? What would someone I admire do? What would someone objective do?
  • Take one positive action. This could be as simple as finding the humor in a situation, Hess said. Consider, how can I look at this situation differently? If you’re overwhelmed with a project, a positive step is to make a list, breaking it down into manageable parts.

3. Resolve your concerns.

Pinpoint your sources of stress, and consider how you can resolve these concerns, Beehr suggested. For instance, if you’re stressed about a project, consider who could help to clarify the scope and required tasks. If it’s a conflict with a co-worker, think about what you can do to resolve it. Basically, the key is to take a problem-solving approach and try to fix what’s within your power.

4. Practice gratitude.

Hess suggested thinking about one thing you’re grateful for every day at work — even if it’s as simple as being thankful that your boss buys bottled water for the office. Every time something good happens at work, write it down. At the end of the day, you might be surprised how often good stuff actually happens. As Hess said, “we tend to remember the one POW instead of the 10 WOWs.” You can even have your co-workers share what they’re thankful for. Hess has seen managers do this at staff meetings.
On a related note, spread the love. Hess encouraged readers to do something nice for their co-workers, such as leaving them a treat.

5. Hang with a great crowd.

The people at your job can have a big impact on your level of satisfaction. Many workplaces have what Hess termed the “chain gang,” co-workers who are constantly stressed out and do a lot of complaining. Instead, choose to hang out with people who are supportive, relaxed and just fun to be around.
A great group of co-workers also can help with a heavy workload or just provide moral support. Interestingly, though, social support isn’t always helpful, according to Beehr’s research. “Sometimes people will help us when we don’t want it,” or their help implies that we’re inferior, he said.
Social support needs to be given freely — so there’s no obligation for the person to return the help — and from a peer perspective, not because you’re superior.

6. Reconnect with what you loved about your job.

Hess suggested asking yourself: “What is good about my job? How am I helping somebody?” Make the “connection to a strength of yours or a way in which you’re making a difference,” she said.
“Most people are more satisfied if they have a job that they see as meaningful and gives them the chance to use a lot of their skills that they value,” Beehr said. This is especially true if an individual uses their skills for an entire project, such as writing a report versus contributing just one paragraph, he added.
You also might find this list of tips helpful for decreasing stress in general. And, again, if you’re really struggling with the day to day, don’t hesitate to see atherapist.

Author Bio: Linda is a freelance writer and college English teacher. She writes on saving money and healthy, fashion and more. For more of her helpful blog posts, please go to or G+ to see useful tips on various topics
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

3 Dazzling Smokey Eye Makeups for This Spring 2015

3 Dazzling Smokey Eye Makeup for This Spring 2014

Have you sat down and looked through magazines or watched a television show where a woman has the most amazingly, beautiful Smokey eye makeup and wondered how she did it? If you have, you aren’t alone. Many women and even teens want to learn the technique to apply Smokey eye makeup. Learning this technique is only half the battle though. You also need to learn what products work best and what ones to stay away from. If you don’t know what you should buy when it comes to creating a Smokey eye look, then this is the article for you!

Pixie Large Lash Mascara at Target
 3 Dazzling Smokey Eye Makeup for This Spring 2014

How many women want to create the look of gorgeous, lush lashes without having to apply false eyelashes? This is especially true when you are creating a gorgeous Smokey eye makeup appearance. Did you know that the mascara you buy is the secret to super thick and long eyelashes? The Pixie Large Lash Mascara is a specialized mascara with a build-able formula which allows you to create lush lashes applying a few coats. Moreover, its over-sized brush will sure guarantee extreme volume and deep color in just one application. Although this mascara coming in black or brown sells for $16 and you can make smart spending if you use Target Promo Code.
Another great benefit of using this mascara daily is the fact that it strengthens your eyelashes, lengthens them, and eve plumps them creating a gorgeous false eyelash look. It’s also smudge-proof and water-resistant.

LORAC PRO Eye Tutorial Kit at Kohl’s
 3 Dazzling Smokey Eye Makeup for This Spring 2014

If would rather buy an entire makeup kit instead of purchasing your eye makeup products singly then this is the kit for you. The LORAC PRO Eye tutorial kit is sold at Kohl’s for approximately $39 dollars. And, trust us when we tell you that is a steal, since its retail price is over $100!
The kit comes with Starry-Eyed baked eye shadow, Pro cream eyeliner, Behind the Scenes eye primer, and even PRO mascara that has a double ended eye shadow brush, for a total of 5 pieces. Not only does it comes with the items listed above, but it also comes with a step-by-step tutorial book complete with instructions that are able to cling to your mirror ensuring you can follow the instructions while applying the makeup! How cool is that?
If you would love to own this kit and learn how to apply Smokey eye makeup, or if you wish to buy this as gift for a friend, we have good news for you! If you use this coupon code, you can save even more money! And, honestly, who doesn’t like saving money? Makeup can be expensive, but it no longer has to be!

Too Faced Smokey Eye Shadow Palette at Amazon
 3 Dazzling Smokey Eye Makeup for This Spring 2014

If you are lucky enough to own amazing mascara, eye primer, etc. then you may be searching for a great eye shadow palette to add to your collection. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, then you should really consider the Too Faced Smokey Eye Shadow Palette available at
This eye shadow palette comes with nine different shades of eye shadows that are perfect for creating a Smokey eye look for both day and evening! These eye shadows are pigment right, and high-performing meaning they are true to their color and will last hours without smudging or wearing off your eye lids.
You can find this Smokey eye makeup for approximately $36 dollars at Amazon, but if you use our coupon codes, then you can save even more money! The money that you can save by applying this amazing Amazon Promo Code could be used for other products that you need, or they could even allow you to purchase more than one makeup kit! The possibilities are endless!
Just about every woman loves to wear Smokey eye makeup, but not every woman knows how to apply it correctly. If this sounds like you, then you will be delighted when you purchase the mascara or the tutorial kits which we revealed in this article. Why not try these amazing makeup products next time you are heading out on a date or have a gathering to attend this Spring of 2015? These amazing Smokey eye makeups are there to impress!

Friday, August 21, 2015

15 Effective Beauty Tips for Fair Skin

15 Effective Beauty Tips for Fair Skin

Beauty—this word itself brings smiles on faces of many people. There wouldn’t be any human on this planet who wish not to be beauty.  Although there are many sayings that beauty has more to do with inner self and it lies in eyes of beholder, not to forget that it’s often associated with fairness. And if you  are in search of this beauty (for fair skin), then your search ends here.

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What is fair skin?
When someone’s skin complexion is pretty, white and when you can see the veins in his/her body, it is said that the person’s skin is fair. Generally there are many reasons for fairness of skin. Although it could be genetical, one can also become fairer by taking simple home remedies. You need not visit a beauty parlour and shell out extra money to become fair my friends. It’s just matter of some care and that’s all.

Sun tan and pollution:

We often hear from people, don’t go out in sun, you will become dark. This is because of the element melanin that is  present in our skin. Whenever we get exposed to the sun, this melanin is being produced in large amounts to keep skin safe from sun burns. As and when large amounts of melanin is released, the skin turns dark given melanin is dark in colour.

Some beauty tips for fair skin:

15 Effective Beauty Tips for Fair Skin 

If you are seriously looking forward to maintaining your fairness or willing to regain the lost fairness, then you don’t have to worry at all. You don’t even need to do rounds around beauty parlours. I tell you somesimple beauty tips to you all so that you can maintain fair skin.

Beauty tips are broadly classified into two types:

These are genuine tips. In these types of tips, we generally use all natural things like vegetables, fruits and their pulp. Many people prefer natural beauty tips as they are not only safe but even zero cost effective.


The other beauty tips are cosmetic ones. Here chemicals or artificial agents are used to make skin fairer. These include mud packs and other fairness creams or mixture of chemical agents.
While cosmetic methods are not usually adviced, natural beauty tips for fair skin are highly recommended not just by experts but even by me. In fact, cosmetic tips may or may not yield results whereas natural beauty tips yields best results. Dig more into various beauty tips for fair skin.
Here Are The Top Homemade Beauty Tips For Fair Skin


Honey is one of the best methods of getting fair skin folks. Just get a tea spoon of honey and apply it on your face and massage gently in circular motion. You are supposed to do this at least twice a day-morning and before going to bed. After a couple of weeks, you will notice that your skin has turned into lite golden complexion. Please note that you should not use milk with honey as it’s not advisable.


Yes, you read it right my friends. Papaya might be overheat to body if consumed but it can be boon to your skin if you use it as a topical medicine. Are you wondering what is this topical medicine now? Topical medicine is something that’s applied externally. So, papaya can rightly be called topical medicine.
Just take a papaya. Peel off the skin and crush the fruit so that it becomes like a thick paste. Apply this paste on your face. You can even use it on your arms (as they get exposed to sun and prone to tan). Allow the paste to be on your face at least for an hour. If you are a person who have no time to concentrate so much, you can simply apply and do your regular work like getting ready for office. After an hour, you can wash off. This process you need to do for at least three months to find the difference.

Tulasi (Basil):

Tulasi is the gift of God. It not only cures illnesses if consumed but can even work wonders on skin. Believe me, people who used tulasi juice on their skin got relief from all sorts of skin diseases and even noticed that complexion became fair. Therefore, Tulasi juice is now a best remedy to say good bye to sun tan and get fair skin back.
Take a few Tulasi leaves. Grind them with stone and then apply it on your skin gently. Leave it like that for a couple of minutes and then wash the face with luke warm water. Do this for up to three weeks and you will realize the difference within a few weeks.

Rose water:

Rose water promises you a fair skin in very less time. You can purchase already available rose petals or simply peel off rose petals and allow them to soak in water for a day. Now apply this water on face regularly. If possible, whenever you wash your face, you can wash with rose water. Remember not to apply soap when you wash your face with rose water. There are many cases wherein people used rose water and got not just fair complexion but close to pink complexion.


If you are in India, you must be very well aware of the good effects of turmeric. In fact, Hindu women use turmeric to paint their feet. This is said to be holy. However, studies proved that women who used turmeric got fair complexion. Since turmeric is not costly, it’s the best thing you can try out friends. Apply turmeric on your face, hands and feet regularly in the morning and before you go to bed. You can notice fair complexion in no time.


Yogurt is something that’s so close to almost everyone’s heart as dinner is said to be incomplete without letting taste buds enjoy curd especially when it comes to
southern part of India. Such a common food can bring fairness if applied on skin! Sounds incredible, but it’s in fact true friends. Just take a table spoon of curd and apply the curd on your face everyday in the morning. It shall not only make you fair in four weeks but even kills acne on face. To those allergic to curd, you can try other alternatives mentioned here.


Cucumber is also an edible vegitable that’s cooked almost once a week. Being a low cost vegetable, cucumber is best adviced to apply to skin to get fairness. This vegetable contain elements that reduces the melanin and erases the tan and that’s why it’s highly adviced to go with cucumber although it might consume a little time. One can even crush the cucumber into paste and apply it on face or even make juice of cucumber.
Also, studies mentioned many a times that cucumber not only increased fairness of skin but even extracted the heat out of the body leaving eyes and skin cool and fresh. Further, black heads will also vanishes in no time if you regularly apply cucumber. While following this tip, do not forget to put circular pieces of cucumber on eyes to remove black circles around your eyes.


Lemon juice can work wonders on your skin. You can apply it any time but do it as often as possible in a day for a quicker results. Lemon might leave you pinching sensation for quite sometime but that’s natural. So, don’t treat it as a side effect. Natural products except curd have no side effects if applied on skin. One lemon each time should be sufficient enough. Do like this for at least four to six weeks before you check your face in mirror only for changes in complexion of yuor skin.

Tomato Juice:

15 Effective Beauty Tips for Fair Skin 

Do you know La Tomatina festival? If you don’t know, then let me tell you that’s its a unique festival that takes place at a village, which is located 30 kilometres from Mediterranian. In this festival, people throw tomatoes at each other. Although the history tells tomatoes were hurled by miscreants to mark a protest. But people who received tomatoes on their faces, instead of feeling hurt, felt refreshed. And it was apparently reported that these people used tomatoes regularly for feeling refreshed.
After a couple of days, people who used tomatoes regularly for refreshment noticed that their complexion got fairer. Since then tomatoes have been used and recommended as one of the most efficient beauty tips. You can simply squeeze tomato on your or apply its juice and pulp on your face daily for up to six months to see the results.


Potato, although can’t be as effective as other tips in bringing complexion, it can be a best remedy to remove black scars on your face. Supposing you got a burn on your face, which left a black mark, then potato should be the first preferrable thing on earth to remove that mark.

Tender cocunut water:

Wash your face with cocunut water when as soon as you come to your home from outside. It will remove all sun tan immediately and helps you feel refreshed and relieved. You can also apply the tender cocunut to scrub your face and then wash it with water. This can apparently remove the blackheads on your face besides improving the complexion of your skin.

Egg Yolk:

Egg yolk is best home remedy for fair skin. Take the yolk. Put it in a bowl and crush it into paste. Apply a spoon of honey and curd to it and mix it properly. Now you should put this mixture on your face as a face pack. Allow it to dry and then wash off with cold water. Do this daily for at least two to three months to notice results.


Apply the chunks of water melon on your face on summer at least thrice a day to ensure that your face doesn’t turn dark from fair due to tan. You should note that watermelon can be used a precaution and it cannot be used as after effect.

Milk and Saffron:

If you don’t mind spending little extra money for naturally making your face fairer, then nothing can be as best as milk and saffron. Take 250 ml of milk and apply some saffron in it and mix it properly. Now apply this mixture on your face evenly and leave it like that without any massage or circular movement. Alternatively you can also drink this mixture for better results. Several results proved that milk and saffron brought next to pink complexion. It is best advisable for skin glow women who wish to turn their skin into baby pink.
Sandalwood paste: Last but not the least—sandalwood paste. A pinch of sandalwood paste on your face can be so promising for your complexion. Apply sandalwood paste like face pack for just 30 days and you will see miraculous results. Probably that could be the reason why even sandal soaps became so popular everywhere.

Some Doubts:

Friends, the above mentioned beauty tips are cost effective and can really be helpful to you at any point of time. There’s no expertise that’s required to use these simple tips. You must be having doubt as to why so many tips and whether one can use all tips at once. If this is your doubt then the answer is no. Milk and lemon don’t go hand in hand. If you apply both milk and lemon-as they both are tips for fairness-then you might end up getting a reaction. So, choose only one of the above tips and follow them regularly. In case, you are not satisfied with one tip, then you can always shift to the other. But never try all beauty tips for fair skin at once.
That’s all for now friends. These 15 beauty tips for fair skin are exclusively presented after a wide research by our team. To know more such tips, you are advised to visit this portal as frequently as possible. I bet you, this very idea will change your life for good. See you all with more simple home remedies and beauty tips.

Friday, August 7, 2015 coupon code: Jewelry cleaner

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Keep away from eyes and children.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
**Adequate calcium throughout life, as a part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


If you are pregnant, nursing or taking any medications, consult your doctor before use. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reaction occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store at room temperature.